The dissemination and further development of the International Society of Mayr Doctors is particularly important to us board members. Our close and committed cooperation is above all aimed at establishing a modern Mayr medicine whose quality is based on qualification and can be experienced by every patient. It goes without saying that the entire management board works voluntarily, with passion and in the best atmosphere.
President Sepp Fegerl
1955 in Leoben
Studies and doctorate at the Karl Franzens University Graz
Turnus in Enns, Steyr, Linz; acute assistance in Ethiopia, secondary physician in Schladming. 15 years as emergency physician at the emergency helicopter Aigen/Ennstal and Waidring/Tirol. Since 1989 in practice as general practitioner and medical director of a F. X. Mayr centre and holistic medical outpatient clinic, first in Neuberg/Mürz, from 1991 to 2019 at the Vollererhof in Puch/Salzburg. Academic teaching practice at the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg. Consultant for complementary medicine at the KH of the Barmherzigen Brüder Sbg. Referent for complementary medicine at the Salzburg Medical Association. Medical and health policy consultant of INGO EcoHimal since 2010 for long-term projects in Eastern and Western Nepal.
Additional trainings
Diplomas for diagnostics and therapy according to Dr. F.X. Mayr medicine, Kneipp, emergency doctor, alpine and mountain medicine, complementary tumour therapy
Lecturing and teaching activities
Lectures at the University of Graz,Salzburg and Linz.
Lecturing activities at medical chambers, professional societies, etc.
Reflux and heartburn (Kneipp Verlag Vienna)
Co-Author in the textbook of the F.X. Mayr Medicine (Springer Verlag)
Co-Author in the Textbook for Integrative Medicine (Springer Verlag)
Vice President Adrian Schulte
1963 in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance
1983 - 1990 Medical studies at the University of Regensburg and at the Technical University of Munich
1991 Doctorate at the Technical University Munich in Cardiology
1990 - 1991 Assistant in internal practice in Munich
1992 Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at the Royal College of Physicians of London
1992 - 1993 Medway Hospital in Gillingham (England)
1994 Additional title "natural healing method" in Bad Wörishofen
1995 - 1996 Education in diagnostics and therapy according to F.X. Mayr by Ernst Kojer and Erich Rauch
1995 - 1999 Chief physician of a F.X. Mayr health center in the Black Forest
1999 Foundation of the "F.X. Mayr Zentrum Bodensee", a private clinic specializing in F.X Mayr medicine in Überlingen on Lake Constance. Since then managing director and chief physician.
Additional trainings
Diploma in tropical medicine and hygiene, naturopathic medicine

Clerk Maximilian Schubert
14.07.1980 in Vienna
2004 Doctorate at the Medical University of Vienna. Then general practitioner rotation and subsequent specialist training as an orthopaedist and orthopaedic surgeon in Amstetten.

2013 to 2018 Elective medical practice in Bad Aussee

2015 / 16 Medical director at Gesundheitshotel Spanberger in Gröbming

Since June 2018 medical director of the Vivamayr Altaussee health resort
Additional trainings
Modern Mayr medicine, acupuncture at Li Shi Zhen University in Vienna, TCM herbal training at the Vienna School of TCM, diploma in nutritional medicine, spa medicine and orthomolecular medicine.
Clerk Claas Hohmann
1963 in Großburgwedel
Medical studies in Mainz & work at the chair of the Physiological Institute of the University of Mainz under the supervision of Prof. G. Thews with doctorate on oxygen saturation during exposure to high altitude
Surgical and orthopaedic specialist training at Lake Constance
As senior physician of an orthopaedic department near Frankfurt, additional extra-occupational studies to become a hospital business economist

From 1999 Medical Director Wolfart Clinic in Munich Gräfelfing
In addition to clinic work, care of private patients in Mayr medicine
Former competitive road cyclist & trainer of the German Cycling Federation incl. athlete support in the orthopaedic, functional-medical area and in the sense of Mayr medicine.
Additional trainings
Modern Mayr medicine, nutritional medicine, functional-orthomolecular medicine, sports medicine and chiropractic.

Treasurer Elke Benedetto-Reisch
1958 in Innsbruck
Medical studies in Innsbruck / 1976-1982 with studies abroad in USA and Australia
1983 scientific activity at the Institute for Experimental Pathology University of Innsbruck
1984-1987 Training as a specialist in general medicine at the St. Johann
1987-1992 Practice for general medicine in St. Anton am Arlberg
1992 - 2013 Private practice in the hometown Kitzbühel with focus on holistic medical diagnostics and therapy, F.X. Mayr medicine, gastrointestinal diseases, prevention, chronic. Diseases in mainly naturopathic forms of therapy, homotoxicology and homeopathy, Acupuncture, mesotherapy, nutritional medicine and orthomolecular medicine
Since 2013 Medical Director of Lanserhof Tegernsee
Diagnostics and therapy according to F.X. Mayr
Postgraduate course for holistic medicine of the Danube University Krems
Nutritional medicine
Meso pain therapy and meso aesthetics
Orthomolecular Medicine
Occupational medicine

The training to F.X. I completed Mayr Arzt in 1987 and enjoyed the privilege with Dr. Ernst Kojer not only to be allowed to work but also to enjoy his friendship. Understanding and love for F.X. Mayr Medizin have become very solid. It is therefore a special pleasure and honour for me to be called to the board.
Deputy treasurer Patricia Winkler-Payer
1960 in Klagenfurt
Medical studies in Graz
Since 1990 working in freelance practice in Klagenfurt
Since 2005 head of the IntegraMed medical center - a center for integrative medicine with the focus on modern Mayr medicine, Psychosomatics, lifestyle medicine and prevention, Bach flower therapy, regulation therapies and naturopathy.
Since 2009 collaboration in the "Haus der Gesundheit" Dr Schulz for inpatient Mayr Medicine
Since 2009 member of the board and lecturer of the international Society of Mayr Doctors
Additional trainings
ÖÄK diplomas for F-X. Mayr Diagnostics and Therapy, Acupuncture, Psychosocial and Psychosomatic Medicine.
Additional training for psychosomatic medicine with Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke and Bach flower therapy
Various trainings for orthomolecular medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy
Lecturing and teaching activities
Since 18 years regular medical lecturing and teaching activity e.g. at the GaMed, at the Institute for Bach Flower Therapy, at the Institute for Economic Development, for pharmacists' chambers, nursing schools etc. /> As a member of the board of the "Gesundheitstage Kärnten" (Carinthia Health Days) for approx. 10 years, he has built up and co-designed the nationwide "Gesundheitstage" (Health Days).

Honorary President
Honorary President Alex Witasek
29.01.1955 in Salzburg
Medical studies in Innsbruck
After specialist training in general medicine with a focus on surgery, head of a UN Medical Center in Syria. Since 1988 work in health hotels with focus on F.X. Mayr medicine. For 14 years medical director at the health centre Lanserhof near Innsbruck. 2006 to 2011 medical director of the artepuri hotel in Binz on the island of Rügen. Since 1998 member of the board and lecturer of the International Society of Mayr Doctors. Independent consultant and concept developer for health hotels and private health centres. Speaker and seminar leader for companies, congresses, SchmidtColleg and Speakers Excellence.
Conceptualizer and consultant for holistic natural healing clinics in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Brazil and China.
Additional trainings
Manual medicine, myoreflex therapy, neural therapy
Artepuri cookbook, Heilkraft der Klosterernährung (Sandmann Verlag), quantum leap (Orac Verlag), chapter about F.X. Mayr medicine in the textbook Naturheilverfahren by K.Kraft u. R.Stange (Hippokrates Verlag), "Der neue Reichtum Gesundheit" (ORAC Verlag), "GourMed Cuisine" cookbook (ORAC Verlag), Lehrbuch der F.X. Mayr-Medizin (Springer Verlag)
Scientific coordinator Sepp Bodo Fegerl
1979 in Graz, Austria
2008 Completion of studies for a doctorate in human medicine at the Karl Franzens University Graz. Training as a specialist for general medicine in Salzburg with a focus on oncology, gynaecology, neurosurgery and paediatrics.

2011 Deputy director of the outpatient clinic for holistic medicine at the "Vollererhof" near Salzburg. Intensive specialisation as a doctor for Modern Mayr Medicine and training by Dr. Henning Sartor, Dr. Norbert Schulz, Dr. Sepp Fegerl, Dr. Bodo Werner, Dr. Patricia Winkler-Payer and Dr. Harald Stossier.

From 2014 to 2018 medical director and managing director at VIVAMAYR Altaussee. Thereafter until 2021 deputy medical director at VIVAMAYR Altaussee with representation and medical work abroad.

Since 10/2021 private medical office in Salzburg – focusing on the fusion of allopathic and holistic medicine to serve the individual optimum.
Additional trainings
Modern Mayr medicine, integrative spa medicine, homotoxicologia, functional myodiagnostic, orthomolecular medicine, microimmune therapy and other complementary medicine diagnosis and therapy methods.

Office Manager
Iris Gatterfeld-Schmied
12.04.69 in Coburg
1989 Apprenticeship with qualification as office clerk
1989 - 2012 Leise GmbH & Co KG, secretary to the management and field staff
2001 - 2019 self-employed coach for WW Germany, IHK examination as specialist for nutrition and weight management
2020 Greisslerei Krenn, Pürgg

since 05/2022 Office manager of the International Society of Mayr Doctors