One of the primary goals of our work is to provide the best possible diagnosis and therapy according to F.X. Mayr in the field of diagnostics and therapy to ensure uniform high quality standards. This also includes cooperation with partners who share our quality standards and have special know-how. These partners support Mayr therapy with laboratory analysis, preparations and products.
Together with them we are also active in the development of new solutions. If you are interested in becoming a partner of the International Society of Mayr Doctors, please contact our office.

Biogena, as a developer and manufacturer of companion micronutrients, has set itself the task of developing products of the highest quality and according to the latest scientific standards. The full range is used by doctors and therapists for accompanying treatment.
Biogena Naturprodukte GmbH & Co KG with headquarters in Salzburg, a branch in Germany as well as shops and sales offices in Vienna and Graz is Austrian quality market leader in the segment of micronutrients for therapy support.
biovis´ Diagnostik
The Biovis Diagnostik MVZ GmbH laboratory is one of the leading laboratories in the field of human medical special diagnostics. Focal points of the laboratory analyzes are in the areas of functional stool diagnostics, immunology, orthomolecular medicine and preventive medicine. Highly innovative, gold standards from basic research, such as molecular genetic stool diagnostics, are established at Biovis and optimized in close cooperation with international research groups. The areas of orthomolecular and mitochondrial medicine, allergies and intolerances, endocrinology/neurostress, detoxification and numerous others are being promoted and practice-oriented step concepts developed. The result is an individual finding that can be implemented into a treatment concept on the basis of anamnestic data.
FormMed HealthCare GmbH
FormMed - successful treatment with micronutrient preparations

FormMed HealthCare GmbH, founded in 1996, offers around 300 coordinated micronutrient preparations for all important indications and specialties - in premium quality. All FormMed preparations are developed and produced in Germany. Our scientists use the best available active ingredients and always keep the preparations at the cutting edge of research. This ensures maximum safety, high bioavailability and better tolerability at all times. Permanent independent controls guarantee the consistent premium quality of our preparations.

Exclusively at FormMed: the micronutrient software Orthomoleculator® The FormMed Orthomoleculator® (OMCR) offers FormMed therapists valuable support: with the OMCR, the full potential of micronutrient medicine can be translated into targeted recommendations for FormMed preparations in a particularly simple, safe and fast way. The benefits of the OMCR include preparation recommendations individually tailored to the patient, information on possible overdoses and checking for interactions when taking medication.

Premium quality and premium support - that's what has made FormMed the No.1 choice for doctors and therapists!

GANZIMMUN Diagnostics GmbH is an internationally active laboratory whose range of services includes more than 4,000 parameters from basic diagnostics as well as special analysis.
GANZ-IMMUN offers a wide range of services for Mayr doctors in particular: To clarify complex chronic diseases is a comprehensive analysis in the areas allergy, gastrointestinal, immune, hormone, micronutrient and heavy-metal diagnostics available. Each laboratory medical examination becomes clear with graphic representations and therapy recommendations; In allergy diagnostics, recipe books are also created.
HLH BioPharma
HLH BioPharma is a medium-sized German family business with a 20 year company history and international orientation. The ISO-certified company offers its customers high product quality in the field of intestinal health with the highest competence and commitment.
The proven products of the Lactobact® and Casa Sana® series have been used by numerous doctors for many years, alternative practitioners and therapists an integral part of their therapy concepts. HLH BioPharma has the claim, to improve proven products in the portfolio according to the latest findings and to supplement them with innovative products. HLH BioPharma offers an optimal service with qualified and motivated employees. The company's entrepreneurial activities are always based on current technologies and scientific studies. de
Institut Allergosan
Institut Allergosan with its headquarters in Graz (Austria) was founded in January 1991. For 25 years now it has been involved in the research and development of products made of natural substances such as probiotic bacteria, plant extracts and minerals.
Thanks to our intensive cooperation with internationally recognised researchers from the fields of medicine, biology, pharmacology and biochemistry, we have succeeded in building up a well-known centre of research and excellence for natural medicine.
Labor Dr. Bayer
The Dr.Bayer laboratory in Stuttgart is already known to many members of society, especially through its whole blood analyses and acid-base measurements according to Sander. In addition to other specialized analyses, the Dr.Bayer laboratory now also offers a differentiated fatty acid analysis. With this analysis, the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids can be excellently differentiated, disturbances in further fat utilization can be detected and specific nutritional recommendations for the intake of oils can be given. In addition, the patient has a written result about his situation in his hands.
LaVita GmbH
We are increasingly finding that our patients have significant micronutrient deficiencies. If we consider that the organism always needs co-factors for its metabolic processes, minerals, vitamins, trace elements etc., then we recognize the increasing importance of our fourth "S", supplementation. If there is an undersupply of the necessary co-factors, the optimal functioning of many metabolic processes is simply no longer possible. However, this is particularly important for detoxification and repair processes during a Mayr cure! We are all aware that optimal absorption and uptake into the cells is often only possible again after a successful cure. Nevertheless, it makes a lot of sense to provide the body with a basic supply of the required micronutrients in preparation for or at least during the cure. LaVita has been proven to have very good bioavailability and a high antioxidant effect. In the practice of several Mayr doctors (some for 20 years) and in our own experiments during the Mayr training courses, LaVita has proven to be well tolerated. We are therefore pleased to be able to fall back on a practicable option for supplementation. We hope to be able to document the effect in a planned study.
NORSAN GmbH is a Norwegian company which offers a natural high-dose but not concentrated fish oil from wild caught fish. The NORSAN oil is characterized by its pleasant taste and high dosage (2000 mg Omega-3 per daily dose). We are responsible for the selection and treatment of the raw materials of our oil and pay special attention to the sustainability of the fishery as well as to the purification of pollutants, PCBs and heavy metals.